starlight after-school yoga
Convenient classes offered on site at your child´s school. Little yogis will practice deep breathing exercises, play yoga games and have some time to relax and reflect on their day. Classes meet once a week for eight weeks.
Each class is one hour.
Ages: Grade 2-8
In this class, athletes and performers practice breathing exercises, stretch, and move their bodies in ways that help strengthen and prevent injuries. Doing yoga together as a team is a great way to promote teamwork and trust.
Each class is one hour.
Ages: Grades 9 -12
Spend some family time getting your breathe on! Our class offers families an opportunity to practice a little yoga and mindfulness together. Classes are full of fun, easy poses and games - appropriate for all levels.
Each class is 45 minutes.
Ages: 3+ with an adult
This class is ideal for homeschoolers, play co-ops, and other small groups of friends/nannies who meet regularly with their children. We´ll come to you for a fun class that´s appropriate for the age range of the children.
Each class is one hour.
Ages: All ages with
starlight after-school yoga
starlight private small group yoga
starlight private small group yoga
About starlight Yoga
starlight teen athlete yoga
starlight teen athlete yoga
Starlight Yoga's after-school yoga program has limited availability. Please contact us with your required dates to learn more.
Elementary School
A Starlight after school class provides a space for children to unwind, have fun, and develop stronger bodies and minds.
We’ll play non-competitive games, share stories, do yoga poses and engage in kid-friendly mindfulness. Most importantly, we´ll build a safe, trusting community of peers.
By challenging themselves with new yoga poses, students will gain strength, flexibility, and improved concentration. Each class will end with time for calming the body and mind with breathwork and a final quiet relaxation.
Middle School
Starlight for middle schoolers is exactly what we needed when we were pre-teens.
Our classes for middle schoolers include poses that require the students to go a little deeper in concentration, strength and flexibility. We’ll engage in mindfulness practices that students will want to carry off the mat; especially when confronted with the day-to-day challenges of middle school.
Pre-teens tend to learn new poses quickly, so our classes are dynamic and full of fun, exciting sequences. We´ll spend some time doing breathwork, and each class will end with a final quiet relaxation.
Beyond yoga, this after-school class provides students with a place to release some of the anxiety and stress that accompanies them throughout the day.

Class Details:
1 hour class that meets
1 day a week for 8 weeks
$145 per participant